7. Side Hustle to Success: Building a Product Business in Your 'Spare Time'.

In today's episode Laura and Nathan discuss options for building a product business on the side.
Is it possible to build a product business while working full-time? What about while freelancing? Both are possible, but both have their pros and cons. Laura and Nathan go in-depth on how they built their products while working full-time, going freelance, and growing a family. 

They look at partner accountability, going it 100% alone and how to put in the hours without going insane.

Does age play a part in how you build a product on the side? Are you capable of working 12+ hours a day? Or do you only have an hour here and there? Listen in to find out how we did it and continue to do it.

ps. Laura has a great suggestion on how to plan your week if you're a freelancer!


Rob Walling
Feature Flux

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7. Side Hustle to Success: Building a Product Business in Your 'Spare Time'.
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